16 Apr 2011


when you're not around
i talk in a whisper sound
asking how do you do
i see the stars blinking in the sky
what a wonderful night
as the moon is singing starry starry night
and vincent being the most beautiful person
a shooting star passes by
leaving a silver trail behind
like a painter sketching aimlessly
oh it's a peaceful night
and i bow down with my eyes closed
praying that you would be happily ever after


1 comment:

  1. wahlaoweh!

    你顺便改一改错字有失美感 shetching > sketching



  1. 我的豬隊友說喜歡看我的部落格。(其實我不知道這裏還有人)沒有更新部落格的時候,其實都在寫札記,手寫,一筆一筆寫,手寫心。今天有個A發了一封簡訊,大略是說,自己又跌入了憂鬱谷底,這陣子會躲起來,下刪許多把自己說得很糟糕的話,五十字。我也不知道說什麼好。也就誠實地說:「我不...